JS Task API Examples: switching to mainnet
This section is aimed mainly at requestors wishing to switch from running simple test tasks on our testnet
to launching production payloads utilizing the vast number of providers on the mainnet
This example has been designed to work with the following environments:
- OS X 10.14+, Ubuntu 20.04 or Windows
- Node.js 16.0.0 or above
Yagna service is installed and running with the try_golem
app-key configured.
How to run examples
Create a project folder, initialize a Node.js project, and install the @golem-sdk/golem-js
mkdir golem-example
cd golem-example
npm init
npm i @golem-sdk/golem-js
Copy the code into the index.mjs
file in the project folder and run:
node index.mjs
By default, JS SDK will execute your task in testnet. This is a development network, where you cannot expect performance and capacity however, you pay in test GLM. If you would rather utilize the larger pool of providers, you should switch to the main network.
In this article, we will show how to run your tasks on Polygon.
Running your tasks on the Polygon Network
In this example, we create the TaskExecutor with additional parameters that indicate we intend to run our task on the Polygon platform.
import { TaskExecutor } from "@golem-sdk/golem-js";
(async () => {
const executor = await TaskExecutor.create({
subnetTag: "public", // do we need to show subnet ??
payment: { driver: "erc-20", network: "polygon" },
package: "529f7fdaf1cf46ce3126eb6bbcd3b213c314fe8fe884914f5d1106d4",
yagnaOptions: { apiKey: 'try_golem' }
const result = await executor.run(
async (ctx) => (await ctx.run("node -v")).stdout);
await executor.end();
console.log("Task result:", result);
In the script output, you can see that now the network is a Polygon