Configuration examples for yagna
This article will show how to configure basic yagna
options, such as changing settings and running the provider node in different ways.
$ golemsp settings
golemsp-settings 0.3.0
Manage settings
golemsp settings <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
set Change settings
show Show current settings
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Settings set
Value(s) | Value description |
--node-name | The name of your provider |
--cores | The number of threads allocated to the provider service |
--memory | The amount of RAM (in bytes) allocated to the provider service (note: prefixes such as GiB are OK) |
--disk | The amount of HDD/SDD (in bytes) allocated to the provider service (note: prefixes such as GiB are OK) |
--starting-fee | A decimal number of how much GLM you want to start a task/service |
--env-per-hour | A decimal number of how much GLM you want for misc. activities such as downloading a Golem image or finalizing a task |
--cpu-per-hour | A decimal number of how much GLM you want for every one allocated thread while working (note: this value is multiplied automatically afterwards, 256-thread CPU's can reasonably have the same value as 2-thread CPUs) |
--account | Yagna account (Ethereum address) for payments |
--payment-network | The network where you want to be paid in, e.g., mainnet or testnet |
To change a particular setting (for eg. price settings) type:
golemsp settings set --cpu-per-hour 3
You can also combine multiple settings in one command as follows:
golemsp settings set --cpu-per-hour 3 --cores 7
which will change your GLM per hour to "3" and adjust the numbers of shared CPU cores to "7".
To change the default Ethereum address that was created for you during the initial setup process type:
golemsp settings set --account <address>
and restart your node afterward for it to update. To check if your address has been updated properly, run
golemsp status
Settings show
golemsp settings show
- Show current settings.
Running golemsp on testnet
To run the Golem provider on the test network, type the following command into the terminal:
golemsp run --payment-network testnet