
Requestor in browser QuickStart


In most of our examples, we demonstrate how to run a requestor script in Node.js. However, you can also run your scripts in a browser context. This example will explain how to do it.


Before getting started, you need to install and launch the Yagna service in version 0.13.0+. Note that such a version is available as a release candidate. It can be installed using instructions for manual Yagna installation available here.


In addition, follow the instructions to set up the app-key, but start the Yagna with a parameter that allows you to handle REST API requests with a CORS policy. You can do this by running the following command:

yagna service run --api-allow-origin='http://localhost:8080'

The --api-allow-origin value should be set to the URL where your web application will be served. In this example, we will use http-server.

Setting up the project

mkdir web_golem
cd web_golem
npm install --global http-server

This will install the http-server utility to host our web page, where we will run our Golem app.

HTML page

Next, we'll create the main index.html file with the following content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>WebRequestor QuickStart</title>
    <h1>WebRequestor - QuickStart</h1>
    <div class="container">
      <div class="col-6">
        <div class="row vertical">
            <button id="echo">Echo Hello World</button>
        <div class="results console">
          <ul id="results"></ul>
      <div class="col-6 border-left">
        <div class="logs console">
          <ul id="logs"></ul>
    <script type="module" src="requestor.mjs"></script>

In this layout, there are three elements:

  • A "Run" button, which executes the script on Golem
  • A "Results" container, which displays the results
  • A "Logs" container, which displays the API logs

Requestor script

Next, we'll create a requestor.mjs file with the following content:

import * as golem from ''

function appendResults(result) {
  const results = document.getElementById('results')
  const div = document.createElement('div')

function appendLog(msg, level = 'info') {
  const logs = document.getElementById('logs')
  const div = document.createElement('div')
    document.createTextNode(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] [${level}] ${msg}`)

const logger = {
  log: (msg) => appendLog(msg),
  warn: (msg) => appendLog(msg, 'warn'),
  debug: (msg) => appendLog(msg, 'debug'),
  error: (msg) => appendLog(msg, 'error'),
  info: (msg) => appendLog(msg, 'info'),
  table: (msg) => appendLog(JSON.stringify(msg, null, '\t')),

async function run() {
  const executor = await golem.TaskExecutor.create({
    package: 'dcd99a5904bebf7ca655a833b73cc42b67fd40b4a111572e3d2007c3',
    yagnaOptions: { apiKey: 'try_golem' },
  }).catch((e) => logger.error(e))

  await executor
    .run(async (ctx) =>
      appendResults((await"echo 'Hello World'")).stdout)
    .catch((e) => logger.error(e))

  await executor.end()

document.getElementById('echo').onclick = run

Note the file contains the run() function that creates the body of the requestor script (similar to the one we use in Node.js) and a set of helper functions that will let us present the logs and results in the browser window.

Now, if we have:

  • have your Yagna APP key set to try_golem and
  • a running Yagna service started with the --api-allow-origin properly set to http://localhost:8080

Launch http-server in the project folder.


We should see our app available in the browser.

Open localhost

If you click the Run button, after a while, in the result container, you should get the result of the script: Hello World and see the logs of executed commands in the log container.

Output logs